civet cat

美 [ˈsɪvɪt kæt]英 [ˈsɪvɪt kæt]
  • 网络果子狸;灵猫;麝香猫;麝猫
civet catcivet cat


cat-like mammal typically secreting musk used in perfumes
Synonym: civet
raccoon-like omnivorous mammal of Mexico and the southwestern United States having a long bushy tail with black and white rings
Synonym: bassarisk cacomistle cacomixle coon cat raccoon fox ringtail ring-tailed cat miner's cat Bassariscus astutus


  1. Objective To investigate the possible infections of SARS-CoV in civet cat bred in the suburbs of Beijing .


  2. For those who like such things , the colder winter months are the traditional season for eating pangolin , civet cat , snake soup , etc.


  3. DAVID MCKENZIE , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Linked to the civet cat ?


  4. The final host animals of 7 species of Paragonimus found in the whole province were 18 , with the most of civet cat family , cat family , dog family and rat family .


  5. MARIO ZACHARIA , PETER JONES STORE : The beans themselves are a Blue Mountain blend and a blend from Southeast Asia that 's linked to a civet cat .


  6. Occasional sightings are still reported of less common species such as the Chinese porcupine , the leopard cat , civet cat , ferret badger , pangolin and barking deer . At state level , most of the 6 governments are planning legislation .
